Syllabus & Course Curriculam
Course Type: MAJ-4
Semester: 4
Course Code: BSOCMAJ04T
Course Title: Research Methodology
(L-P-Tu): 5-0-1
Credit: 6
Practical/Theory: Theory
Course Objective: The primary objective of this course is to introduce the basic methods and methodology used in conducting social research.
Learning Outcome: 1. After completing this course, students will be able to take up and implement a research project/study. 2. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to choose methods and designs appropriate to research objectives.
Contents of the Course
1. Theory & Research Relationship
2. Social Research
Meaning, Characteristics, Aims, Types,
3. Doing Social Research
Problem formulation and developing research questions, Review of literature, Hypothesis, concepts and variables.
4. Logic of Inquiry and Research Design
Inductive and Deductive; Quantitative and Qualitative
5. Methods of Data Collection and Sampling
6. Data: Types, Analysis and Presentation
6.1Basic statistical techniques: Central Tendency and Dispersion
6.2Validity and Reliability
7. Ethical Issues in Social Research
Readings and References
1) Barker, T. L. 1990, Doing Social Research. Mcgraw Hill.
2 ) Bryman, Alan. 2004, Quantity and Quality in Social Research, New York: Routledge
3) Goode, G. and P. K. .Hatt. 1952. Methods in Social Research. New York: McGraw Hill.
4) Ahuja, Ram. 2006, Research Methods, New Delhi: Rawat Publications,.
5) Bryman, Alan. 2015, Social research methods. Oxford University Press.
6) Neuman, W. Lawrence.; 2013; Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson education.
7) Jayaram, N.1989. Sociology: Methods and Theory. Madras: MacMillan, Madras.
8) Young, P.V. 1988 Scientific Social Survey and Research Prentice Hall, New Delhi
9) Chattopadhyay, Krishnadas and Sudarshana Sen, 2019. Research Methodology (in
Bengali) ‘Samajik Gobeshona: Padhyatividya, Padhyati O Koushal’ from K.P.
Bagchi Co. Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata,
10) Kumar, R., 2018. Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage.
11)Kothari, C.R., 2004. Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International.
12) Levin, J., 2006. Elementary statistics in social research. Pearson Education India.
13) Healey, J.F., 2014. Statistics: A tool for social research. Cengage Learning.
14) Bailey, K., 2008. Methods of social research. Simon and Schuster.
15)McKie, L. and L Ryan,., 2012. Exploring trends and challenges in sociological research. Sociology, 46(6), 1-7.
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
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