Syllabus & Course Curriculam
Course Type: ME-5
Semester: 5
Course Code: BANTMEA35T
Course Title: houghts & Theories in Anthropological studies and Application of Anthropology
(L-P-Tu): 4-0-0
Credit: 4
Practical/Theory: Theory
Course Objective: It gives you knowledge about thought and theories in Anthropological studies and the application of Anthropology.
Learning Outcome: In order to examine the development and dissemination of culture as well as techniques of researching cultures, students will be introduced to a variety of theoretical anthropology methodologies. To evaluate the social theorists' points of view about the
Course Title: BANTMEA35T: Thoughts & Theories in Anthropological studies and Application of Anthropology Credits 4
Total Marks: 50 (40 term exam + 10 internal assessment)
Unit 1. Thoughts & Theories in Anthropological studies
Evolutionism: E.B. Tylor and L.H. Morgan
Diffusionism: British and American School.
Cultural Relativism as a reaction to nineteenth century evolutionism – F. Boas
Culture and Personality: R. Benedict, M. Mead
Cultural ecology: J. Steward.
Structural Approaches: Functionalism – B. Malinowski; Structural-functionalism - A. R. Radcliffe-Brown.
Unit 2. Application of Anthropology
Archaeological Anthropology: A brief history of Indian prehistory.
Palaeolithic in India with emphasis to North India – Sohan river valley;
Microlithic cultures of India – Central India;
Neolithic cultures of India – North-East India;
Megalithic culture of India – North-East India;
Earliest Civilizations: Harappan civilizations
Biological Anthropology: Hominization process - expansion of the brain, reduction of the face, teeth and jaws;
Australopithecines - distribution and types, features and their phylogenetic relationships;
Appearance of genus Homo (Homo habilis): features and their phylogenetic relationships;
Homo erectus from Asia - distribution, features and their phylogenetic status – Java Man, Peking Man
Homo sapiens: Fossil evidences of Neanderthals - Classic Neandertals (La-Chapelle-Aux– saints), Progressive Neandertals (Tabun); Archaic Homo sapiens - Phylogenetic relationship;
Origin of anatomically modern Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens sapiens): Cro-Magnon, Grimaldi, Chancelade - Distribution and features and their phylogenetic status.
Social-cultural Anthropology: Applied, Action and Development Anthropology - definition, meaning, distinct features and historical development.
Problems related to land, forest, occupation, education and health of the indigenous communities in India;
Tribal Displacement and Rehabilitation Problem; Cause and effect of displacement and concept of rehabilitation. Role of Anthropologists in Tribal Development
1. Upadhyay and Pandey. History of Anthropological thought.
2. Majumder, D.N. and T.N.Madam 1956 An Introduction to Social Anthropology. Bombay; Asia Publishing House.
3. Jha, Praful Ranjan & Deepshikha Vernval, Social Cultural Anthropology, Piush Publication Walker A. (1986). The Todas. Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation
4. Verrier Elwin (1992). The Muria and their Ghotul. USA: Oxford University Press.
5. Malinowski M. (1922). Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.
6. Furer-Haimendorf C.V. (1939). The Naked Nagas. London: Methuen and Co.
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
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