Course Type: VAC-2
Semester: 3
Course Code: VAC2
Course Title: Understanding India
(L-P-Tu): 3-0-1
Credit: 4
Practical/Theory: Theory
Course Objective: Ethics in India refers to dharma. It is identical with rta and Satya. So it is rooted to Vedic philosophy. This module will discuss some major concepts of Indian ethics like rta, rna, dharma, vidhi, nisedha etc. it also reflects the ethical teachings of B
Learning Outcome: a) Ethics, in the modern era, has become a crucial part of life. it will make awareness to the students how to lead our life morally. b) Gita teaches life-leading lessons. It will provide students to set up a view of character building and disciplined lif
- Module-1: Vedic-Upaniṣadic influence on Indian Ethics (Rta, Rṇa, Vidhi and Niṣedha): The Concept of Sthitaprajña in the Bhagvadgitā (15 classes)
- Module-2: M. K. Gandhi: Satyāgraha and Passive Resistance, Cardinal Virtues (15 classes)
- Module-3: Rabindranath Tagore: The Religion of Man (Chapters-1 to 3) (15 classes)
- Module-4: The idea of Secularism and the importance of National Integration (15 classes)
Reading References:
- D. M. Dutta and S. C. Chatterjee: Introduction to Indian Philosophy
- Kedar Nath Tiwari : Classical Indian Ethical Thought
- M. K. Gandhi: Non-violence in Peace and War
- Rabindranath Tagore: The Religion of Man
- J. S. Mackenzie: Outlines of Social Philosophy
Bengali Books:
- Sree Jagadishchandra Ghosh: Sreegita
- Shankar Sengupta: Rabindranath Thakurer 'The Religion of Man'
- Dipak Kumar Bagchi: Bharatiya Nitividya
- Dikshit Gupta: Nitividya
- Pramodbandhu Sengupta: Samaj Darshan
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
- UG certificate after completing 1 year (2 semesters with 40 Credits + 1 Summer course of 4 credits) of study,
- UG diploma after 2 years (4 semesters with 80 Credits + 1 Summer course of 4 credits) of study,
- Bachelor’s degree after a 3-year (6 semesters with 120 credits) programme of study,
- 4-year bachelor’s degree (Honours) after eight semesters (with 170 Credits) programme of study.
- 4-year bachelor’s degree (Honours with Research) if the student completes a rigorous research project (of 12 Credits) in their major area(s) of study in the 8th semester.
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
- The students can make an exit after securing UG Certificate/ UG Diploma and are allowed to re-enter the degree programme within three years and complete the degree programme within the stipulated maximum period of seven years.