Course Type: ME-7
Semester: 7
Course Code: BENVMEA47T
(L-P-Tu): 3-0-1
Credit: 4
Practical/Theory: Theory
Course Objective: To grow basic knowledge on Environmental Management To develop concept of conventional, non-conventional, renewable, non-renewable sources of energy To develop knowledge of waste management
Learning Outcome: Students know about Environmental Management, Energy and Waste Management
Environmental Management: (LECTURE – 15)
Concept on Environmental Management and Environmental Management System; Management of air, water, noise, soil; Drinking Water Standard
Energy: (LECTURE – 25)
Basic concept, definition, and types of energy; Classification viz., conventional, non-conventional, renewable, non-renewable; Fossil fuels, Solar energy, Hydroelectricity; Wind energy, Energy from waste; biofuel; Energy use pattern in India
Waste Management: (LECTURE – 20)
Waste generation and characterization; Integrated Solid Waste Management; Hazardous waste management; Municipal Solid Waste Management; Biomedical waste management
Suggested Books
- Environmental Management Systems Marguglio; CRC Press INC
- Handbook of Environmental Management &Technology, 2e (PB): John Wiley Original), Burke
- Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (PB): CBS; Cherry, PM
- Bansil, P.C. 2004. Water Management in India. Concept Publishing Company, India.
- Brebbia, C.A. 2013. Water Resources Management VII. WIT Press.
- Asnani, P. U. 2006. Solid waste management. India Infrastructure Report 570.
- Bagchi, A. 2004. Design of Landfills and Integrated Solid Waste Management. John Wiley & Sons.
- Blackman, W.C. 2001. Basic Hazardous Waste Management. CRC Press.
- McDougall, F. R., White, P. R., Franke, M., &Hindle, P. 2008. Integrated Solid Waste Management: A Life Cycle Inventory. John Wiley & Sons.
- US EPA. 1999. Guide for Industrial Waste Management. Washington D.C.
- White, P.R., Franke, M. &Hindle P. 1995. Integrated Solid waste Management: A Lifecycle Inventory. Blackie Academic & Professionals.
- Environmental pollution Management & Control for the Sustainable Development, Dr R.K Khitoliya; S. Chand & Company Ltd
- Zhu, D., Asnani, P.U., Zurbrugg, C., Anapolsky, S. & Mani, S. 2008. Improving Municipal Solid waste Management in India. The World Bank, Washington D.C.
- Energy Resources-Occurrence, production, conversion, use-W.H Wiser, Springer
- Renewable energy sources and Emerging technologies-Kothari, Singal, Ranjan, PHI Learning Publisher
- Environmental Management, G N Pandey; Bikash Publishing
- Environmental Management, N K Uberoi; Excel Books Publisher
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
- UG certificate after completing 1 year (2 semesters with 40 Credits + 1 Summer course of 4 credits) of study,
- UG diploma after 2 years (4 semesters with 80 Credits + 1 Summer course of 4 credits) of study,
- Bachelor’s degree after a 3-year (6 semesters with 120 credits) programme of study,
- 4-year bachelor’s degree (Honours) after eight semesters (with 170 Credits) programme of study.
- 4-year bachelor’s degree (Honours with Research) if the student completes a rigorous research project (of 12 Credits) in their major area(s) of study in the 8th semester.
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
- The students can make an exit after securing UG Certificate/ UG Diploma and are allowed to re-enter the degree programme within three years and complete the degree programme within the stipulated maximum period of seven years.