Syllabus & Course Curriculam
Course Type: MAJ-2
Semester: 2
Course Code: BGEOMAJ02C
Course Title: Introduction to Human Geography & Map Projection and Topographical Sheet
(L-P-Tu): 4-2-0
Credit: 6
Practical/Theory: Combined
Course Objective: To have a comprehensive understanding of human aspects of geographical phenomena and their interface. To introduce the different dimensions related to population, culture, and settlement. To understand the idea of different types of Map projections. To
Learning Outcome: Students will have a better understanding of the man-environment relation, from local to global scale. Students will be able to understand various contemporary developmental issues. Students will learn about the map projection. Students will analyze and i
Course Title: Introduction to Human Geography
Paper Type: Theoretical Course Credit: 4
Unit I: Fundamentals of Human Geography [26 Hours]
1.1 Nature, scope and development of human geography.
1.2 Evolution of Man-Nature interaction: Hunting and Food gathering, Pastoral nomadism, Agrarian society and industrial society. Man-environment relationship in Equatorial, Monsoon, Tundra and Hot desert regions.
1.3 Race and ethnic groups: Concept, origin and distribution.
1.4 Language, religion and culture: Origin, diffusion and distribution
Unit II: Population, Settlement and Development [26 Hours]
2.1 Population geography and demography. Population growth and composition.
2.2 Types and patterns of rural and urban settlement. Morphology of Urban settlement.
2.3 Poverty and Food Security. Natural hazards and Environmental refugee.
2.4 Indicators of social well-being; Human Development, Sustainable Development Goals.
Selected References:
1. Blij, H.D. 1992. Human and Economic Geography, Macmillan Publishing Company.
2. Hussain, M. 2003. Human Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
3. Leong, G.C. 1997. Human and Economic Geography, Oxford University.
4. Singh, L.R. 2005. Fundamentals of Human Geography, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
5. Maurya, S.D. 2012. Human Geography, Pravalika Publications, Allahabad.
6. Singh, R.B. (Ed) 1995. Studies in Environment and Development, Rakesh Prakashan, Varanasi.
7. UNDP. 2001-04. Human Development Report, Oxford University Press.
9. Pacione, M. 2009. Urban Geography: A Global Perspective, Routledge.
10 Knox, P.L., Marston, S.A. 2014. Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context, 6th ed, Pearson Education Limited.
11. Knox, P.L., McCarthy, L.M. 2011. Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography, 3rd ed, Pearson Educztuion Ltd.
12. Mandal, R.B. 2001. Introduction to Rural Settlement, 2nd ed, Concept Publishing Company.
Course Title: Map Projection and Topographical Sheet
Paper Type: Practical Course Credit: 2
Unit I: Map Projection [26 Hours]
1.1 Concept of Geoid and Spheroid; Datum with special reference to Everest and WGS-84 Coordinate systems: geographic, projected and local.
1.2 Concept of generating globe; Grids: Angular and linear systems of measurement. Bearing: Magnetic and true, whole-circle and reduced, Map projections: Classification,
properties and uses.
1.3 Concept and significance of UTM projection
1.4 Polar Zenithal Gnomonic and Stereographic, Simple conic with one standard parallel, Bonne’s, Cylindrical Equal Area, and Mercator’s
Unit II: Interpretation of Topographical Map [26 Hours]
2.1 Numbering systems in Topographical map (Metric and OSM).
2.2 Extraction and interpretation of geomorphic information: Construction of relief profiles (superimposed, projected and composite), and identification of micro landform features
2.3 Delineation of drainage basins: Relative relief map, slope map (Wentworth’s method), drainage density map, stream ordering (Strahler) and bifurcation ratio on a drainage basin.
2.4 Transect chart.
Project File
a) Construction of projections: Polar Zenithal Gnomonic and Stereographic, Simple conic with One Standard parallel, Bonne’s, Cylindrical Equal Area, and Mercator’s.
b) Develop Broad Physiographic Divisions, Construction of Relief profiles (superimposed, projected and composite).
c) Preparation of relative relief map, slope map, drainage density map, and stream ordering on a drainage basin.
d) Correlate Physical aspects with Cultural landscape using Schematic Map, Transect chart.
Selected References:
1. Manual, International Cartographic Association, Elsevier Science Publishers..
2. Mishra, R.P., Ramesh, A. 1989. Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept, New Delhi..
3. Sarkar, A. 2015. Practical Geography: A Systematic Approach, 3rd ed, Orient Blackswan Private Ltd.
4. Singh, R.L., Singh, R.P.B. 1999. Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers.
5. Singh, R.L., Singh, R.P.B. 2008. Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publisher
6. Subramanian, R. 2012. Surveying and Levelling, 2nd ed, Oxford University Press
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
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