Syllabus & Course Curriculam
Course Type: MAJ-17
Semester: 8
Course Code: BBOTMAJ17C
Course Title: Elements of Forestry
(L-P-Tu): 4-2-0
Credit: 6
Practical/Theory: Combined
Course Objective: 1. The students will have the pleasure of the cognitive development and get the latest exposure in the domain of Forest & Forestry. 2. to mould a responsible citizen who is aware of the most basic domain-independent knowledge including the critical think
Learning Outcome: 1. Skill development of for the proper description of the forest tree species, 2. Internalization of the concept of conservation the channel of the spirit of enquiry. 3. The graduates should be knowledgeable and competent enough to appropriately deliver
(Theory, Credit 4)
Unit | Topic | No. of Lectures/Hrs |
1 | Forestry: Definition, Scope; Forest as natural Resources; Man and forestry; Sustainability & forestry; Importance of Forest in sustainable ecology and Green house controlling | 5 |
2 | Forest resources, Forest classification, Farm Forestry, Social Forestry & Agro-forestry; Different Forest related products- Major & Minor; Forest as a source of sustainable economy; Indian Forest & Forestry: Regional and Local Forest resources; Social forestry | 10 |
3 | Silviculture: Definition, scope & objective. Factors of locality: climatic (Light, temperature & Frost). Topographic (Affect of Altitude, Aspect & Exposure. Edaphic: General, Parental rock influence on vegetation, Pan formation. Biotic: Influence of plants, insects, wild animals, man and his animals; Concept of regeneration of forest. | 10 |
4 | Mensuration: definition, object and scope; Measurement of diameter and girth; Breast height – Rules of diameter measurement, diameter and girth class. Measurement of height of tree: Principles of height measurement (similar triangle, trigonometric). Volume: Measurement of volume of standing and felled trees, volume table. | 10 |
5 | Silviculture & forest Management; Classification and objective, Clear felling system: clear strip and alternate strip system. Regeneration by Taungya and /or departmental plantation, Uniform system: Shelter wood system, kinds and pattern of felling, Periodic Block, Indian Irregular shelter wood system, Selection system, Coppice – System: Simple, Coppice with Standard | 10 |
6 | Principles and objective of Forest conservation and management; Reserve, Protected and un-classed forest. Management classification: Sustained yield and progressive yield, CAI, MAI, sustainable forest, Joint Forest Management: Concept, working and sustainability; Role of JFM in the environmental restoration and biodiversity conservation. | 10 |
7 | Forest of Purulia; Forest products, Livelihood of Forest dwellers; Role of Forest in eco-tourism in Purulia; Forest & future, NTFP | 5 |
Practical (Credits -2, 60 Hrs)
Reading References:
1. Introduction to Forestry Paperback –C. Nagmani & S.R. Reddy
2. Introduction To forestry and Agroforestry by Parthiban (K T, Scientific Publishers)
3. Text Book Of Introduction To Forestry by Bhol, Mishra, Chauhan
4. Principles and Practices of Silviculture by S.S. Negi
5. Principles and Practice of Silviculture by L.S. Khanna
6. Silviculture of Tree Species A Forestry Field Manual for Shahapurmath, Girish B, Satish Serial Publishing House
7. Silviculture of Indian Trees by Kannur, Siddappa, S S Inamati & Girish B Shahapurmath, I B P S S
8. Practical Manual on Principles and Practices of Social Forestry by Joseph
9. Social forestry by Sushil Kumar, Reliance Publishing House
10. Compendium on Forestry Paperback – by Umakanta Dash & Sourav Ranjan Majumder
11. Introduction to Forestry by Sivakumar, B & B Muralidharan
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
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