Syllabus & Course Curriculam
Course Type: MAJ-6
Semester: 5
Course Code: BANTMAJ06C
Course Title: Human Growth & Development
(L-P-Tu): 5-1-0
Credit: 6
Practical/Theory: Combined
Course Objective: To study and differentiate between growth and development. Learn about various approaches and principles of human growth and development Understand the biological influences on human growth and behaviors Know about various personality theories of growth a
Learning Outcome: The students will learn about the concepts and indicators of human growth and development. pre-natal and post-natal growth, various bio-cultural factors that influence growth, and from the practical component they will learn about importance of anthropome
SEMESTER – V 2 Courses x 6 credits = 12 credits
Total Marks: 50 (30 theory + 20 practical)
BANTMJ06C: Human Growth & Development
Objectives of the Course
Unit I: Concept of human growth and development, differentiation and maturation, significance/applicability of growth studies.
Unit II: Prenatal (conception till birth) and postnatal (birth till senescence) period of growth, pattern of normal growth curves, variation from normal growth (canalization, catch-up growth and catchdown growth), sex differences in growth curves, secular trend.
Unit III: Bio-cultural factors (genetic, social, and ecological factors) influencing patterns of growth and development, methods and techniques for studying growth.
Unit IV: Nutritional epidemiology: concept of balanced diet, impact of malnutrition (over and under) with special reference to obesity, Kwashiorkor and Marasmus; assessment of nutritional status.
Practical 20 marks
Maximum head length, Maximum head breadth, Minimum frontal breadth, Bizygomatic breadth, Bigonial breadth, Nasal height, Nasal length, Nasal breadth, Physiognomic facial height, Morphological facial height, Physiognomic upper facial height, Morphological upper facial height, Head circumference. Stature. Sitting height. Body weight, mid upper arm circumference.
Indices: Cephalic Index, Nasal Index, Facial Index, Upper facial index.
Anthroposcopy 1. Head form 2. Hair form 3. Facial form 4. Eye form 5. Nose form 6. Hair colour 7. Eye colour 8. Skin colour
Bogin, B. 1999. Patterns of human growth. Cambridge University Press.
Jurmain, R., Kilgore, L., Trevathan, W., Ciochon, R.L. 2012. Introduction to Physical Anthropology. Wadsworth Publ.
Cameron, N. and Bogin, B. 2012. Human Growth and Development. Second Edition. Academic Press.
Frisancho, R. 1993. Human Adaptation and Accommodation. University of Michigan Press.
Harrison, G.A. and Howard, M. 1998. Human Adaptation. Oxford University Press.
Harrison, G.A., Tanner, J.M., Pibeam, D.R., Baker, P.T. 1988. Human Biology. Oxford University Press.
Kapoor, A.K. and Kapoor, S. 1995. Biology of Highlanders. Vinod Publisher and Distributor.
Kathleen, K. 2008. Encyclopedia of Obesity. Sage.
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
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