Syllabus (ECONOMICS)
Course Type: MAJ-1
Semester: 1
Course Code: BECOMAJ01T
Course Title: Foundation Course in Economics - I
(L-P-Tu): 5-0-1
Credit: 6
Practical/Theory: Theory
Course Objective:
Learning Outcome: Course Objective: To give basic ideas of general economics, the paper distributed among three parts. In micro-economics basic understanding with preliminary theories, in macro economics, ideas like functioning of an economy and a small introduction of int
- Microeconomics: (30)
1. Exploring the Subject Matter of Economics: Scope and Method of Economics: Scarcity and Efficiency, Competing Ends and Choice - Defining Economics, Thinking like an Economist: Basic Economics Questions, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Normative Economics and Positive Economics (8)
2. Supply and Demand: Determinants of demand and supply; Demand and Supply schedules; Individual and Market Demand and Supply; Law of demand and supply, shifts in the demand and supply curves; Interaction of demand and supply; Equilibrium price and quantity (7)
3. Elasticity and its Measurement: Types of Elasticity of Demand, Price, Income and Cross Elasticity, Measurement of Elasticity of Demand, Determinants of Elasticity of Demand (7)
4. Production: Production Function, Total Production, Marginal Production, Average Production, Revenue Functions (3)
5. Economic Costs and Revenue: Cost in the Short run, Fixed Costs and Variable Costs, Marginal Costs, Long run AC and MC, TR, MR, AR (3)
6. Market Structures: Definition, Types and Features (2)
- Macroeconomics: (30)
- Introduction: Nature and Scope of Macro Economics (5)
- National Income Accounting: Concepts of GNP, NNP, GDP, NDP, NI, DI; Methods of measurement- Product Census Method, Income Census Method and Expenditure Method; Using GDP as a Measure of economic welfare and problems involved (10)
- Circular Flow of Income: Household, Firm, Injection and Leakage (5)
- Open Economy : Concepts; Output, Financial and Labour Markets; Distinguish between Closed and Open Economy (10)
- International Trade: (30)
- Introduction: One Factor Economy; Relative Prices and Production; Production under Self Sufficiency (Autarky); Specialization and Trade; Concept of International Economics (10)
- The Classical Theory: Smith’s Theory of Absolute Advantage; Ricardian Theory of Comparative Advantage (Assumption, Explanation, Algebraic Formulation); Comparative versus Absolute Advantage; Opportunity Cost Approach (Neo-Classical Theory) - Graphical Presentation (10)
- Balance of Payments: BoP Account; Current Account; Capital Account, Terms of Trade (10)
Reading References:
- Hal R. Varian, 2010, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach,W.W. Norton and Company/affiliated East West Press ( India), 8th edition.
- Anindya Sen, Microeconomics: Theory and Applications, Oxford University Press
- Pindyck, Rubinfeld and Mehta, Microeconomics, Pearson
- B. Douglas Bernheim and Michael D. Whilston, 2009, Microeconomics, Tata McGraw Hill (India)
- C. Snyder and W. Nicholson, 2010, Fundamentals of Microeconomics, Cengage Learning (India).
- Jogendranarayan Mitra, 2010, Undergraduate Microeconomics, New Central Book Agency, Kolkata.
- Mankiw, N., 2016, Macroeconomics, 9th edition, Worth Publishers
- Branson, W., 2013, Macroeconomics, Theory and policy, 3rd edition, East West Press
- Jones, C., 2016, Macroeconomics, 4th edition, W. W. Norton
- Blanchard, O., 2018, Macroeconomics, 7th edition, Pearson Education
- Abel, A., Bernanke, B., 2016, Macroeconomics, 9th edition, Pearson Education
- Errol D’Souza, 2009, Macroeconomics, Pearson Education , New Delhi
- Richard T. Froyen, 2016, Macroeconomics, Pearson education Asia, 10th edition
- Sikdar Soumen, Principles of Macroeconomics, Oxford University Press
- Ackley, Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, 2nd edition
(International Trade)
- Soderston, B.O., International Economics, Macmillan
- Rajat Acharya, International Economics, Oxford University Press
- J. Sarkhel and S. Salim, International Economics, Book Syndicate (P) Limited
- KN Verma, 2021, International Economics: Theory and Policy, Vishal Publishing Co., 1st Edition.
- Paul Krugman, Maurice Obsfeld and Marc Melitz, 2018, International Trade: Theory and Policy, Pearson, 11th Edition.