Syllabus & Course Curriculam
Course Type: ME-6
Semester: 5
Course Code: BGELMEB36C
Course Title: Introduction to petrology
(L-P-Tu): 3-1-0
Credit: 4
Practical/Theory: Combined
Course Objective: Igneous petrology gives a knowledge regarding magma devitrification and also throws light upon upper mantle composition of earth interior. Metamorphic petrology deals with metamorphism of crustal material as a function of pressure and temperature.
Learning Outcome: Students learn to apply the knowledge to explore minerals in igneous rocks. Students can learn to observe the change of crustal substrate due to ever changing pressure temperature.
Unit I: Introduction to petrology
Define Rock cycles
Introduction of Petrology; Definition of Rocks; Major sub-divisions of Petrology;
Unit II – Igneous petrology
Definition, composition and origin of magma and lava; Bowen’s reaction series; Classification of igneous rocks; Magmatic differentiation; Petrograpgy of granite, syenite, peridotite, anorthosite, gabbro, dolerite and basalt. Texture of igneous- Granitic texture, Porphyritic texture, Graphic texture and Glassy texture
Unit III –Sedimentary Petrology
Formation of sedimentary rocks; Erosion, transportation, Deposition, Consolidation and Cementation of sediments; Classification of sedimentary rocks, Sedimentary structures – Bedding and lamination, Current Bedding, Graded Bedding, Stratification, Lamination, Ripple Marks, Rain Prints, Mud cracks. Petrography of conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, shale and limestone
Unit IV- Metamorphic petrology
Definition of metamorphism; Agents and Types of Metamorphism; Types of metamorphism – Thermal or Contact metamorphism, Cataclastic metamorphism, Dynamothermal metamorphism, Plutonic metamorphism; Petrography of schists, gneisses, marble, charnockite and khondalite.
List of Practicals:
Megascopic and microscopic identification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks as mentioned in theory.
Reference Books:
Sedimetantary Petrology (IIIrd edition) – F. J. Pettijohn
Igneous petrology – Mihir K Bose
Metamorphic petrology – C B Rao
Bangar, K.M., 2001. Principles of Engineering Geology.
Dasgupta A. (2013). World Press: Introduction to Earth Science
Mahapatra G. B. (2019): A Textbook of Geology
Basic Features
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options, with appropriate certifications such as:
Note: The eligibility condition of doing the UG degree (Honours with Research) is- minimum75% marks to be obtained in the first six semesters.
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